Certification - Orsha forestry


The state wood economic establishment «Orshansky timber enterprise» Vitebsk state industrial the wood economic affiliations is located in a southeast part of Vitebsk area in terrain of Orshansky and Dubrovensky administrative areas. According to wood cultivation to geographical demarcation of terrain of republic, timber enterprise wood fall into Orshansko-Mogilyov wood cultivation to area of a subband shirokolistvenno-fur-tree (dubovo-temnohvojnyh) woods.

Prirodno-environmental conditions are congenial for growth coniferous and soft leaves breeds. The basic forming wood breeds of woods of timber enterprise are: a fur-tree, a pine, a birch and an aspen.

The area of the forest resources which are in conducting of timber enterprise as of January, 1st, 2011 has compounded – 81,4 thousand in hectare, including covered with wood - 65,2 thousand in hectare.

The features of forest resources influencing for the dimensions wood use and the wood income, marshiness and inaccessibility of fields (34,4 %), rather big area of especially guarded connatural terrains (18,4 %) and especially protective fields of wood (16 %), rather low relative density of ripe plantations (10,7 %) are. As a whole, possible woods for operation compound 84,0 %, including ripe and перестойные- 8,4 %.

Holiday of wood from deforestation fund in woods of the first and second bunches (under the given away logging tickets) on timber enterprise for 2010 is effected in volume – 69,3 thousand м3.

At carrying out of cutting of the main using continuous deforestation by a mean it is prepared - 41,5 thousand м3 liquid wood on the area of 122,6 hectares (91 %), gradual and selective cutting - 4,0 thousand м3 on the area - 35 hectares (9 %).

The total area of continuous cutting in timber enterprise in 2010 on the main using and other cutting has compounded - 135,7 hectares.

In continuous deforestation cutting of plantation with presence of an undergrowth of economic valuable breeds were appointed to the areas – 2,3 hectares, actually an undergrowth it is conserved on the area – 2,3 hectares. Settlement deforestation in 2010 it is mastered in volume – 69,3 thousand м3 (55,8 %), including on the estimated -11,7 thousand costs м3.

In total on budgetary activity it is prepared – 52,1 thousand м3 liquid wood, including business – 15,6 thousand м3, from it – 1,5 thousand м3 small-scale wood.

Besides, other users of wood cutting of mediate using are made on the area - 356,6 hectares with preparation volume – 12,8 thousand м3.

As a whole by cutting of mediate using it is passed – 2899,6 thousand in hectare, or 4,5 % from covered with wood the areas, with volume of preparation of liquid wood - 64,9 thousand м3.

The yield of a commodity output with 1 м3 the manufactured wood timber enterprise shop compounds 92347 rbl. In established prices. In a raw state (round forest products) for export by timber enterprise it is realised 12,7 thousand м3 business wood, including balances - 11,3 thousand м3 for a total sum of 588,5 thousand dollars USA.

Wood wood at all kinds of cutting various users of wood, including citizens, it is prepared 67,5 thousand м3, aboriginal requirements for it are satisfied completely.

It is manufactured wood in 2010 8402 м3, it is effected saw-timbers – 4625 м3, including it is realised on home market 3293 м3, on a foreign market - 1332 м3.

Reafforestation and wood deluting in 2010 is made on the area of 434 hectares.

At planning лесохозяйственныхactions for a basis were taken over:

Design sheets УПof "Belgosles";


Explanatory and correcting notes to the wood device to designs;

Rules of cutting in woods to Byelorussia;

Results лесопатологическогоinspections and district assessment assessments of consequences of emergency situations.

All made cutting were checked on conformity the wood device to designs: age, a cutting mean, width deforestation, its area, adjunction terms, a direction deforestation, intensity of cutting, undergrowth conservation. Infringements it is not revealed.

In logging tickets marks about the planned actions for conservation of a biological diversity are led.

The technology choice wood preparation works corresponds to requirements FSC.

Workers of wood preservation carry out periodic control over observance of requirements on conservation of a biological diversity and minimisation of negative influence of timber cuttings and other wood usings on wood medium. Infringements it is not revealed.

During carrying out of survey of places of cutting by experts of timber enterprise the assessment of negative environmental impact is made. Results of influence are made out by certificates. The basic indexes on which the maximum points of an assessment on environment are positioned, are:

1. Continuous deforestation a cutting mean

2. Not оставлениеdead trees on лесосеках

3. Wood preparation in flow of all year.

The state wood economic establishment «Orshansky timber enterprise» measures on decrease in negative environmental impact by the yielded criteria are taken.

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